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MIRACLE effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause

2.such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God

3.a wonder; marvel




January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
February 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011

School is very much... busy.

im lagging behind in chem, maths and physics tutorials. gg

econs is... very much boring.

but im having much fun in TJC so far.

gonna catch on my chem tutorial soon.

im still very weak at mole concept.
ever since that mrs raja taught me that topic. argh.
dunno which numbers to use to get the answer.

maths and physics also starting to get tough.

mugging here i come :(

Liverpool won Sparta Prague :)

~You'll Never Walk Alone.~

Me Want Miracles* 9:05 PM

Saturday, February 19, 2011

i hate blogger.

im sort of fine wwith my timetable. latest end 3.50 lol.
got quite a few free periodss cuz of chinese -.-
but its becuz of onlyy 4 ppl taking cchinese, if not ourr timetable will rock.
the whole week has bbeen busy and tiring so far.
trials, pe, trials.
luckily road run postponed due to 'lightning' lol.
cell grp annd church was great.
ok thats it :)

Me Want Miracles* 11:49 PM

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Never Say Never

OMG anybody watch Family Guy, this guy sounds definitely sounds like all of them. Freaking funny!

Ok so bieber's movie is gonna be out soon.

Its not like i idolise him or sth, but its just that too many ppl treat him too badly.

someone just wants to sing before he reached puberty, so ppl started calling him a girl.
ok this sounds like somebody, but its true. it hurts and its freaking irritating.

LOL. im glad its over.

ok so...

monday and tuesday ended at 9pm -.-

monday was mass dance.
the dancing part was quite fail.
we danced only about twice for all the dance, then everyone started doing the train thing.
and the music was also quite soft.
but its still fun.
going no voice.

then tuesday... was O-nite.
the performing stuff started to get boring.
but its great when the guitar ensembe started performing on stage and the whole J1s crowded the stage like the whole hall is a moshpit.
so we put our hands up in the air (theres the dynamite song too) and started jumping.
then somehow theres the train stuff again -.-
thats when everyone realised that orientation was going to be over so we try sticking the OG together.
so after the whole thing ended, my OG like staying in the canteen and keep doing cheers.
like half an hour later, went home.
voice completely no more.

so... wednesday and thursday was all talks and some lectures.
and i slept on my very first lecture. econs. wow.
all the econs words are like sleeping pills man.

thursday had cell grp which very few ppl attended. but got THE PRESENCE. dang dang dang.

friday was cg bonding day.
i was glad that my whole cg was rather fun, for the exception that the PRCs all didnt want to come eat lunch with us -.- my class got 6 of them -.-

the whole day i was playing mind games with the class.
the whole class like dunno alot of games so i play along with them. lol rather funny.
played like about 5-6 games.
and all these games take one hour for ppl to figure out LOL.

guitar lesson evening.
didnt practice for 2 weeks.
my teacher and i know that im in dead meat alr, and next month is the exam. gg.

soccer trials on monday! and im sick!

oh ya on thursday i like used 4 whole packets of tissue just for my nose. omg.
thats like 40 pieces lol.
then now still got abit of cough.

when im sick, i cant play sports properly, dunno why.

this morning was playing soccer with a few of my cg mates.
quite fail, everyone was tired just halfway through.
and i was 'coughing and coughing and...' (x2)
Cliff is a very very very very very (x infinity) good host.
give us food and drinks, let us play his Wii.
Wii Party dam fun :)
later got church.
and liverpool vs wigan.
4 matches without conceding a goal :)
keep up the good work and we can get into the top 4 and kick chelsea out :)
then torres will be like 'what have i done?! i've gone to a BIGGER club and im still in europa?!'
ok im dreaming too much.
get into top 4? see if liv can win at 10 of their remaining matches first.


~You'll Never Walk Alone.~

Me Want Miracles* 3:30 PM

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Year of the Rabbit

-- the year of jumping and growing taller :)

Happy CNY ppl.

So... as any other ordinary year, i went to my father's hometown to visit my relatives.
ordinary... except that my bro didnt go as he's not allowed to leave the country cuz he going NS soon.

so... im all alone.
not exactly.

spent my time there PSP, LOTS of movies, card games, eat goodies, talk to relatives.
of course, they did ask abt my O'lvl results then they woah here woah there.
but actually not that good wad. nvm.

facebook isnt a good place to tell ppl i've continued blogging.
and i didnt actually expect ppl to comment abt what is it all about.
anw, too late.

so i had quite a fun time in msia, but spore is still the best.

i havent guo nian in spore before sia... i want. i never give two oranges to relatives before... that, i have to try before i reach 20.

my one year old cousin is freaking cute btw. born on 27 november sia. can celebrate bday with him next time.
see, saggitarius ppl so good-looking *vomit*

freaking cute.

so, this year is rabbit year.
i must jump jump bounce bounce and stretch my body like siao.
later i split into 2 -.-

chinese new year resolution? i've thought of it alr, but not gonna say it.

i think i got a phobia of blogging too much personal stuff alr.

so im gonna stop here lol.

~You'll Never Walk Alone.~

but Torres chose to walk alone :)

Me Want Miracles* 4:16 PM

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


wad a nice way to begin after a 3 months absence.

How's it doing.

i think i continued so that the ex-NAS ppl can know what im doing after NAS life...
and im sure there will be lesser viewers from now, since all forget about my blog alr.

So... i went into TJC.
5 days of orientation now over, get to know some ppl in my OG.
Learning Mass Dance which i cant remember everything unless we practice again.
For some reason, i like the song 'Jai-ho'
although the dance is quite average.

Thats the last dance we will be learning also... out of 5.
And its abit rush cuz next Monday got to dance at Suntec alr.

There's this 'couple' dance that we learnt today. quite epic.
cuz my partner had to leave for KI interview, then i had to do WITH A GUY.
but i purposely learnt the male part, so all those whole hands and turning thing i never do.

Ok sorry for my 'disorganisation', but the people from 4r1 who came to TJ are...

zz i left out one person so i chose not to write so ppl dunno who i miss out -.-
but is 14 ppl? (i hope its 13)

Anyway, i was actually thinking of taking PCMG.
Then after some discussion with my family and also some advice from the OGL, i change to PCME -.-

But im still wavering -.-
and there is very high chance i will regret.

Hope everyone in JC had their funs, and everyone going to poly to enjoy their freaking @$#%$ long holidays.
Will be blogging minimum once a week from now on :)


Me Want Miracles* 6:51 PM

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finally, its goodbye to blogging.


Me Want Miracles* 3:49 PM

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's 5 days away to the O'Levels...

and i still dun feel the Force/Area !!!

I know im gonna regret it, but no choice. no feeling that means no feeling.
im like an empty bao... no filling.

Its time to freak out.

~You'll Never Win Again~
~You'll Never Win Anymore~
~You'll Never Win Anything~
~You'll Never Walk Again~
~You'll Never Walk Anymore~

~You'll Never Win Alone~
~You'll Never Walk Alone~

choose any one of them.

Me Want Miracles* 7:31 PM